Clinical tests to do? Helps you “Faiuntestevai” answers a simple question, but not at all obvious in a country not used to being a system: what clinical tests do you need based on your pathology or condition? In which laboratory or pharmacy to make them in your city according to prices and offers?

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Clinical tests, what to do and where

It is the latest of the services offered by “Faiuntestevai”site born in March 2021 in full Covid emergency, when the question to which he answered was: where is the closest place to get an antigen test? A few months ago the platform created by two Italians, has broadened its research field extending it from tests against the virus to all others, from urine tests to blood tests.

The algorithm that helps you understand what you need

But how exactly does it work? Through an algorithm developed by the creators of the site which, in addition to a tree menu with the main analyzes required, allows you to write your own condition. This then comes elaborated and “translated” in the most suitable clinical examination to be carried out, suggesting suitable structures based on one’s position.

clinical tests

The boom during the Covid emergency

The site was born in full Covid emergency and has helped millions of citizens and tourists to find where to take a swab. Lately over 300 pathologies have been added and beyond 30 types of analysis and testssuch as food intolerance tests, Pap tests, HIV tests, and health check-ups.

Clinical tests, an interest that has never waned

During the pandemic, the portal recorded important numbers, several million users, and if the emergency ended, one could think that interest would diminish, so it was not, on the contrary. Lately, there has been a real boom in testing that they help improve your health and well-being.

Faiuntestevai, certified reliability

Faiuntestevai is simple and free and, moreover, it not only helps to find laboratories and pharmacies where to carry out the tests, but also helps to compare the offers of home services and those do-it-yourself tests with a particular focus on reliability. With a data verification system, the platform tries to deliver to users a guarantee on the validity of the more than 4000 structures present on the portal.

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The creators of the site have also joined the HON Foundationan international non-profit organization that aims to provide users with no medical knowledge useful and safe medical and health information.

