Climbing Mont Ventoux for Great Resistance Against Cancer

These days, the Meppel Foundation Mont Ventoux is once again committed to the Great Resistance Against Cancer. 475 participants climb the French mountain Mont Ventoux as often as possible. This raises money for the fight against cancer. Yesterday it was the turn of the runners, today cyclists do the climb..

“It went fantastic yesterday, we went up with more than two hundred runners and everyone made it”, says Peter Smorenburg of the Mont Ventoux foundation. “It remains an impressive sight when you see everyone coming. Everyone is walking for a loved one. It is very emotional.”

So far, 550,000 euros has been collected, the target amount is 650,000 euros. “Very nice that we have already collected this”, says Smorenburg. “50 percent goes to the KWF and the other half goes to local charities, such as hospices and walk-in houses.”
