Climate protection scientists block the bridge at the Reichstag

A group of climate protectors from the science sector has blocked a bridge in Berlin’s government district.

The “Scientist Rebellion” initiative spoke on Wednesday of 15 demonstrators in white lab coats who glued and chained themselves to the roadway of the Kronprinzenbrücke, which leads to the Reichstag building over the Spree, in the early afternoon. The police confirmed that a group would demonstrate and blockade there.

The initiative released photos showing demonstrators standing on the bridge with a banner reading “1.5 degrees is dead. Climate revolution now” and letting red smoke rise into the sky. Some had taped their hands or feet to the road and chained themselves together.

According to the organizers, similar protests with the demand took place in many other cities, such as Madrid, Bern and Turin.

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In this way, the members of “Scientist Rebellion” wanted to stand alongside protest initiatives such as “Rebellion of the Last Generation”, which repeatedly blocked freeway exits in January and February.

They called on science to set a good example in the fight for climate protection. “Those who know most about the crisis have a moral duty to act accordingly.”
