Climate mayor Trees has been fired again

Trees Lammers could become climate mayor of Hilversum again, as long as she would stick to the rules. That did not work: in the first week of her position she took part in an action in The Hague, during which the police had to intervene. As a result, she has been fired again as climate mayor.

A day after her appointment, Trees demonstrated together with members of Extinction Rebellion in the Economic Affairs and Climate (EKZ) building on November 1. She was asked to leave the premises by 4:30 p.m., but she did not do so. The police then removed Trees from the building.

The Ministry of EKZ, which is responsible for the climate mayor, writes in a letter that people in this role must adhere to the rules of the game. One of the principles is that the climate mayor ‘inspires residents in a positive way’.

‘No other option’

The department believes that the action in The Hague, in which the police had to remove Trees, is not appropriate for a climate mayor. Because of this action, the organization sees ‘no other option’ than to remove Trees from this position.

Trees seems to be a one-hit wonder when it comes to her position as climate mayor. A year ago she protested naked on the railway near the Western Docklands. Less than three days after her appointment, she was also fired as a result.

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