Climate Klever is taking action again, but in a calm manner

Climate Klever is taking action again, but in a calm manner

Then Mouton had to go to prison in the Netherlands after clinging to ‘The Girl with a Pearl Earring’, the world-famous painting by Vermeer, in The Hague. Wouter Mouton: “Of course there are a lot of people who don’t understand in any way, but there are also people who really do understand and know what time it is.”

No yelling, no clinging today. A so-called non-disruptive action. As an activist, he has had a rough year. “My first action this year was on the Tour of Flanders on the course when Mathieu Van der Poel passed there. Then I was also at the goalpost at the Beker van Vlaanderen.”


But with a climate sticker campaign in the Netherlands, he made the international press at the end of October. Wouter Mouton spent three weeks in jail. “The appeal procedure is still to come. Let’s wait and see. We’re going to exhaust it. We’ll see what happens. If necessary, we’ll go to Strasbourg to challenge it at European level. But personally I think it’s much more extreme that companies use ecocide on a daily basis. commit.”

In the meantime, ‘Klimaatklever’ has been chosen by Van Dale as word of the year.
