Climate Greta shares call for hatred of Israel

By Jonathan Anda

15 million people follow Greta Thunberg on Instagram – but the world’s best-known climate political activist has not said a word about the murdered Jews in Israel.

On the contrary! Now, for the first time, Greta Thunberg (20) is calling for a solidarity demonstration with the Palestinians and Gaza on

Their call says: “The world must speak out, demanding an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all affected civilians.”

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In a photo with loyalists, Greta poses with a hand-painted “Stand with Gaza” poster.

She showed where Greta stands ideologically with another shared post on Instagram – and it speaks of “Gaza genocide” and state terror against supporters of the Palestinians. The call comes from the account “Palestinespeaks”. The group with almost 25,000 members calls for the annihilation of Israel with slogans such as “from the river to the sea”.

Greta Thunberg shared this post on Instagram

Even worse: These activists celebrated the barbaric attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas with a picture on October 7th. It shows: A bulldozer ramming through the Israeli border fence with Gaza. The signature: “Gaza just broke out of prison.”

In other contributions, the group, which according to its own description wants to be a “political, feminist, democratic, anti-racist movement in Germany for Palestinian rights,” speaks of the apartheid state of Israel. Around 20 percent of people in Israel are Muslim. They are represented in parliament and in many areas of society and can live freely and pursue their faith – while, conversely, there are hardly any Jews left in Arab countries.

Greta Thunberg (archive image, September 2, 2022)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg doesn’t say a word about the suffering of the Jewish victims (archive photo) Photo: picture alliance / Tim Aro / TT / kod

And: Not a word about Hamas’ brutal murders. Instead, anti-Semitism, evil propaganda, pure hatred of Jews!

The climate activist has already attracted attention with Israel hate posts in the past. In 2021, Thunberg and the climate movement “Fridays For Future” (FFF) caused massive outrage with anti-Semitic claims. While Hamas fired hundreds of rockets at Israel, Greta shared a message from Canadian Israel boycotter Naomi Klein (51) with her over five million Twitter followers.

In her tweet, Klein Israel accused Israel of “one war crime after another” and used the hashtag “GazaUnderAttack” (Gaza is under attack). Thunberg later declared that he was “not against Israel.”

But to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Israeli families who had to hide in air raid shelters from the rocket terror, she – like the murdered Jews in Israel on October 7th – said NOT A WORD.

Green politician attacks Thunberg: “Completely lost”

Sharp criticism of the Greta hate call comes from Green Party politician and Baden-Württemberg’s Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (40). “Parts of the climate movement are currently in the process of completely trashing their important contributions to climate protection,” he wrote on X.

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And Bayaz made it clear: “Greta Thunberg is on the wrong side of history this time. Completely lost!”
