Climate gluer Isabell B. (20) sentenced to 30 daily rates

By Alina Groening

As an 8-year-old girl, she founded a garbage working group at her elementary school, and at some point that was no longer enough for her. In August 2022, Isabell B. (20) was one of the first demonstrators to stick to the streets for climate protection. On Tuesday she had to answer before the Tiergarten district court.

“It’s about my and our livelihoods and I’m afraid of them. I acted in good conscience. I don’t understand why I’m here,” the young woman reveals with little understanding.

She moved from Lünen (North Rhine-Westphalia) to Berlin a year and a half ago to campaign for climate protection and to start training as a wilderness educator. In December, B. had already been sentenced to 20 daily rates of 10 euros each after she blocked the street at the Marshall Bridge with 40 demonstrators from “Extinction Rebellion” in March.

On Tuesday, the charges again included resisting law enforcement officers and damaging property. On August 16, on the Straße des 17. Juni, B. glued herself to the asphalt with one hand and her companion with the other. The police repeatedly asked the two young women to leave the street and finally had to relieve them with cooking oil and carry them away.

Climate activist Isabell B. (20) on Tuesday in the district court.  Even after the conviction, the young woman can still laugh

Climate activist Isabell B. (20) on Tuesday in the district court. Even after the conviction, the young woman can still laugh Photo: Olaf Wagner

“I’ve seen the right to assembly flouted by the police who have been dragging people off the streets. That’s why I stuck myself,” B defends himself. And further: “You would have to lock me up so that I would stop and even then I would continue to carry my beliefs into the world!”

The public prosecutor advocates a conviction under youth law – recommends 30 hours of social work for “juvenile idealism and radicalism”.

The court ruled under adult law: “I’m happy to listen to you and subscribe to 90 percent of what you say, but can’t you disturb without violating criminal laws?” If everyone who is afraid crosses borders, then we have a big problem in the world.”

The joint judgment with the indictment from December: 30 daily rates of 10 euros.
