Climate change | Two out of three Spaniards are willing to pay more to protect the environment

10/17/2022 at 15:45


Half are in favor of banning combustion cars in 2035

Spain wants to protect the environment and is willing to pay thus. Two thirds of the population is willing to do more actions for the ecosystem even if it means paying higher costs as consumers. It is the information that emerges from the first prospective survey carried out by the CIS, which yields another piece of information for companies: the 79% are in favor of companies assuming higher costs if with this actions are carried out to protect the planet.

The same social research provides figures that allow us to see the degree of commitment of citizens with the environment: 89% believe that Spain should do more for protecting the environment and fighting climate change. Secondly, 77% of citizens consider that profound changes must be made in Spain in caring for the planet and the climate emergency. These figures are much higher than the desire to reform in depth other areas such as health, education or pensions. Only scientific development equals the numbers of support for measures to protect the planet.

When asked about concrete measures, there is clear support for changing the way we get around: nine out of ten are in favor of reinforcing the public transport in cities and encourage train as the main means of transport for medium and long distances. This figure drops to half when the ban on the sale of diesel and gasoline vehicles is proposed as of 2035. Support for the electric car rises to 70% and almost three quarters are in favor of restricting traffic in the center of the cities.

The survey reveals that there is high support for public policies that favor environmental protection. 94% agree with requiring manufacturers that by 2030 most of the materials they use are recyclable. On the other hand, 81% agree to establish specific taxes on the most polluting activities and greenhouse gas emitters. Finally, 92% are in favor of public administrations promoting the generation of renewable energies. This figure is highly relevant considering the problems that Europe faces in generating energy using fossil fuels due to high prices and the levels of air pollution they produce.

support for science

In addition to the fight against climate change, another aspect on which there is great consensus is the support by invest more in science and education. 82% are in favor of devoting more public resources to these areas even if it means less money for other public services. 95% are in favor of the State guaranteeing sufficient and stable funding so that public scientific research centers “can compete globally”.
