CLIMATE CHANGE | Barcelona, ​​flooded: this is what the city would look like if the sea rises

The research organization Climate Center Has published a recreation of what the most emblematic places in capitals around the world would look like if temperatures increased three degrees in the next years. He sea ​​level would rise considerably and would flood part of these citiesbetween them Barcelona.

Precisely during these days, political leaders of the highest level they meet in Dubai to hold a new summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference. However, the arrival of big agreements among most countries in the world to stop the consequences of the climate crisis still is very far. That is why a Climate Center simulation wanted to recreate the state in which very important cities on the planet would end up if the global temperature increased by 3 degrees.

Barcelona is not saved

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Global warming has caused great droughts, floods deadly and thaw, which causes the sea level to continue to rise. Scientists warn that if drastic measures are not taken the situation will get worse. The main cities of the world would suffer big floods that would submerge some of the most emblematic images on the planet.

This is the case of Barcelona, ​​specifically Parc de la Ciutadellathe place chosen by the organization to recreate the rise in sea level in the Catalan capital. A comparison is observed between the current state of the park and the state it would be in if the temperature rose, totally flooded.
