Climate activists want to bet 28,000 euros in Vatican City | Buitenland

The 26-year-old before and the 61-year-old man, leden van de moving Ultima Generazione (“Laatste Generatie”), lived in Augustus vast aan de sea dan 2,000 years old Laocoöngroep, a marmeren beeld van a Trojaanse priester die semen met zijn two zoons were worded for snakes. So wilden ze aandacht vragen voor de climatic crisis.

A right bank in Vaticanstad veroordeelde hen maandag tot voorwaardelijke celstrafffen van negen maanden. There is also a request for a fee of less than 1,500 for the action and 120 euros for the negroes of the authorities. The right bank was also charged with a total of 28,148 euros for the shame that caused the ze.

One of the activists, the film het before, must eveneens a boat van 120 euro betalen for het negeren van bevelen.
