Climate activists surround private jets at Schiphol

At Schiphol airport, climate activists have nestled under private jets to prevent the planes from taking off. The activists plan to reduce air traffic “as long as possible” to block. on social media channels Extinction Rebellion shows how the police confiscate flags from the activists. According to a spokesman for the Marechaussee, six arrests have been made so far.

Extinction Rebellion, which organized the action together with environmental organization Greenpeace, claims to have blocked fifteen private jets with about five hundred activists. The demonstrators are protesting at Schiphol because the airport continues to pollute “unhindered”, “at the expense of the climate and local residents,” Greenpeace said in a statement. “The government is letting this happen.”

Greenpeace previously announced that it was preparing a “disruptive action” at Schiphol, after which the new CEO Ruud Sondag called on climate activists to keep it “tidy”. “We always conduct our campaigns peacefully and safely. It is now up to Sondag to come up with a plan that is ‘neat’ for local residents, climate and our future,” said aviation expert Dewi Zloch of Greenpeace to ANP news agency.

Also read: dirty jet set
