Climate activists accuse themselves of racism!

By Filipp Piatov and Nico Noelken

Normally, the climate kids from “Fridays for Future” (FFF) always blame others. Now the eco-activists are accusing them of racism – against themselves!

That happened: On Friday, activists took to the streets in more than 250 cities around the world on the occasion of the “global climate strike” – including several thousand in Cologne (2,500 were registered).

There the supposedly racist incident occurred: According to FFF, a “person of color” (person with dark skin color, editor’s note) is said to have mixed into the demo and then tried to steal from two people. According to the organizers, they repeatedly asked the person to leave the demo, and the police got involved. The police confirmed to BILD that a man was sent off and a report of pickpocketing was written.

According to the climate activists, THAT was clearly racism!

For Fridays for Future, it is not the victims who are almost robbed, but the “person of colour”! And you are the culprit. The “racist incident” sheds “a spotlight on the racist structures of Fridays for Future,” according to a detailed statement on Instagram.

The incident shows “once again that BIPoC are not safe in the structures of Fridays for Future.” The accused was released again, but: “It should not have happened that we – regardless of the alleged behavior of the person – a BIPoC handed over to the police.”

“BIPoC” stands for the English terms “Black, Indiginous and People of Color”. In German this means: blacks, indigenous people and people with dark skin.

A so-called “BIPoC”, even if it is a thief, “handed over to the police” appears to the climate activists as outrageous. Finally, there are “deaths and violence against BIPoC in the course of police operations”, which show that this population group is “not safe in the existing police structures”.

In plain language: In the case of pickpocketing by people with dark skin, no police should be called to help!

Bavaria’s FDP boss Martin Hagen (41) is stunned by FFF’s homemade racism excitement. The movement is “increasingly sidelined,” Hagen told BILD. “This harms the important concern of climate protection. The movement has to decide whether it wants to be an environmental initiative or a gathering place for left-wing muddleheads. I would stay away from demonstrations where pickpockets are defended and police officers attacked.”

FFF used to focus primarily on climate protection, but other topics came later, such as the fight against racism or capitalism. However, FFF always causes a stir with a strange understanding of racism. For example, the international FFF movement opposed Israel when the Jewish state was attacked by Palestinian terrorists. FFF showed solidarity with the rocket terrorists.
