Climate activist shocks with accusations against Jews

By Julian Loevenich

“There is a pogrom mood against Palestinians in Germany,” wrote Elisa Bas on Instagram and accused the President of the Central Council of Jews of incitement.

On Sunday afternoon there was a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Actually approved as a vigil, the procession escalated into anti-Israel agitation with anti-Semitic exclamations. And right in the middle: Elisa Bas. The 22-year-old is a spokeswoman for “Fridays for Future” (FFF) in Germany.

She posted a video of the demo on her Instagram account – and a post by the Central Council of Jews in Germany on Something has to be done. The barbarians are among us.” This refers to the terror supporters who celebrated the murder of more than 1,300 Israelis by Hamas on German streets.

Bas' absurd accusation against Josef Schuster

Bas’ absurd accusation against Josef Schuster Photo: Instagram/elisabas

Bas’s scandalous comment: “There is a pogrom mood against Palestinians in Germany and Schuster is fueling it.”

The fact is: There are NO anti-Palestinian demos in Germany, nor any “pogrom” sentiment against Palestinians. On the contrary: it was Palestinians who took to the streets in some German cities on the day of the brutal terrorist attack to celebrate the murder of Jews.

Bas’s “pogrom” accusation is particularly historically forgetful and tasteless because Jews were murdered in pogroms during the Nazi era. The climate activist is thus bringing the President of the Central Council of Jews closer to the National Socialists.

In another post about Palestinian children, Bas also writes: “Silence never helps the oppressed, it protects the perpetrators. It accepts the oppression and allows it to happen. The genocide and being forced to remain silent about a genocide.”

Your blatant insinuation: Israel is systematically murdering Palestinians and their children – nothing else means genocide!

The registered anti-Israel demo had been banned by the police in advance

The registered anti-Israel demo had been banned by the police in advance Photo: Timo Beurich

It is the Palestinian Hamas that shows no consideration for its civilians, while Israel’s army goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties despite the brutal attack.

BZ wanted to know from “Fridays for Future” how these postings came about, to what extent Bas’s statements fit the position of FFF Germany and what the movement says about it.

Because: On Sunday the movement posted something completely different on X, writing: “Since yesterday we have been experiencing unprecedented terror by Hamas against Israel. We are horrified and mourn the victims.” And Luisa Neubauer (27), leading activist at FFF in Germany, wrote on Instagram on Monday: “A horror, for Israel, for the Jews in the world. For everyone who is terrorized by Hamas, for the people of Gaza.”

There were no answers to the questions from the climate movement. Meanwhile, Elisa Bas switched her Instagram account to “private”.
