Cleaning queen Auri Kananen got back together with her ex-fiancé!

Auri Kananen and ex-partner Sami are together again.

Social media star Auri Kananen, known as the cleaning queen, reveals in the stories section of her Instagram account that she got back together with her ex-fiancé Sam’s with.

This is evident from a question sent to Auri asking him to tell if he is back together with Sam.

– This is the most asked question of all. Our paths crossed after a long time and everything just felt right. Somehow he also ended up here in Miami, says Auri, who lives in the city.

The second question asks for more information about the boyfriend. Auri answered the question by telling facts about Sam.

– He is 33 years old, very organized and calm, sold his company a year and a half ago and still works in the electrical industry, here are a few facts.

Auri Kananen is a Finnish makeup artist followed by millions. Pete Anikari

The couple surprised with their divorce in December 2022. The couple was supposed to get married in the summer of 2023. Auri told about the couple’s engagement at the time Half past six – in the live broadcast of the program.

Auri explained the reasons for the separation in more detail in a YouTube video he published in January 2023. According to Auri, the decision to resign was mainly made by him. In his opinion, separation was the best option, because at that time he and Sami wanted too different things for the future.

– The separation was mainly my decision, or was it my decision. But there was no drama involved. I felt we were too different. Sam thought we were different in a good way, but I don’t think we were. I like freedom, I’m a super free soul and I like to do things by myself. Sami likes to do everything together, but I like to spend time alone and travel alone. That’s who I am, Kananen said in videos in January 2023.

Auri and Sami surprised in October 2023 by arriving together Dancing with the Stars – to the program stand. Auri told Iltalehte that the two are on good terms today.
