Clean Beach Cup clears more than 4 tons of waste along coastline

Clean Beach Cup clears more than 4 tons of waste along coastline

In Bredene, dozens of people, especially families with children, go to the beach and into the dunes. They are armed with grabs, buckets and garbage bags and sacrifice their Sundays to clean up the dirt of others.

.90% of all waste is plastic. On our beaches there are on average 137 small and large pieces of plastic per 100 meters high tide line.

We have known for a long time that our oceans are not doing well. Even if all plastic production stops now, the number of microplastics in the oceans could more than double. That is the shocking conclusion of a German study, in which the Flanders Marine Institute also participated.

Cleaners are working in almost all coastal municipalities, but at the same time also on the Dutch beaches.
