Claudia Villafane wins the case with Maradona

Eight years ago Diego had accused his wife of having stolen a sum of money from him in 2000 – the period of the divorce – to purchase real estate, consisting of six condominiums, in Miami

Salvatore Malfitano

The Florida Court ruled in favor of Claudia Villafane, historic ex-wife of Diego Armando Maradona, regarding a lawsuit filed in 2015 by the late Argentine champion, despite a marital conciliation agreement dating back to 2013. Eight years ago, Maradona had accused the wife of having stolen a sum of money from him in 2000 – the period of the divorce – to purchase real estate, consisting of six condominiums, in Miami. The charges were embezzlement, breach of fiduciary duty, theft and fraud. The properties had subsequently been sold and Maradona claimed the proceeds generated by the operation; after his death, the legal action was continued by three of his children (Jana, Diego Junior and Diego Fernando).


Judge Carlos Lopez wrote in the ruling that “the plaintiff did not submit any financial documents, not a single bank statement, check, wire transfer, security deposit document or any evidence that would indicate that Maradona was in possession of the funds in question, the which are alleged to have been stolen. Furthermore, there is no evidence to support his claim that Villafañe embezzled funds, much less totaling millions of dollars.” The charge of embezzlement, however, became statute-barred as the time limit was four years and the appellant had not “raised any legal argument for the suspension of the time limits, nor was there any factual support in the documents”.

the joy of dalma

Dalma Maradona, Diego and Claudia’s eldest daughter, commented with joy on the favorable outcome of the dispute against her mother. “They started a trial against you eight years ago and you came out the winner. What balls, what patience, what love! How proud you are, mother! I love you”, we read in a story published on Instagram.
