Private editor-in-chief Evert Santegoeds finds it cowardly that Claudia de Breij said so little about Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in her New Year’s Eve conference. “That is again typical of the left-wing church.”
For a long time, Claudia de Breij refused to comment on the misconduct of her TV colleague Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. She referred to her New Year’s Eve conference, in which she would then respond. However, the passage about Matthijs turned out to be very short on Saturday evening, and not exactly controversial.
‘Claudia is disappointing’
A disappointment, according to Private boss Evert Santegoeds. “I have seen Claudia de Breij and that was not easy for me, I must say. I felt it started too slowly to make up for it by the end, even with Tchaikovsky’s help,” he says in his podcast Strictly Private.
He continues: “I found how she gets rid of that De Wereld Draait Door affair really so disappointing. If you keep your mouth shut for six weeks and say for six weeks: ‘I will do what I have to say in the New Year’s Eve conference’, and you get no further than: ‘Van Neuenkirche’, then I think: well, that’s a bit too easy , sister.”
‘Typical leftist church’
Claudia proves once again to be of the left-wing church, says Evert. “When I then see the huge outbursts at Rutte and De Mol, I think: that is typically the left-wing church that keeps each other’s hand above their heads. I thought it was really far below the standard of what you can expect from a cabaret artist from her.”
Claudia will be in Eva Jinek’s season opener tonight. “He has Claudia de Breij as a guest and she should ask further questions about De Wereld Draait Door, I think, because on that point – and not only on that point – Claudia has been quite disappointed, I think.”