Classmates found closet on her – Lisa has to continue to wait for compensation

In an outburst of aggression, a student knocked over a 200-kilo cupboard in the school stairwell. It hit the then 10-year-old Lisa* in the neck. With severe physical and psychological consequences for them.

Since the accident in November 2015, mother Anna C.* has been fighting for compensation and financial security for her daughter: “Permanent pain is part of her everyday life.”

She sued the institution responsible for the St. Francis Catholic School (Schoeneberg): the Archdiocese of Berlin.

Read about this: Classmates came across her 200-kilo cupboard – Lisa (16) lives with pain and fear

The district court had rejected claims in the first instance. Now before the Court of Appeal again no decision. According to the judge, the school’s accident insurance fund is responsible for regulation.

An out-of-court mediator should now mediate. Court pronouncement date no earlier than May 2022.

* Names changed


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