Classificatie film ‘Pietje Bell’ klachten aangepast naar 9 jaar | Movie

MovieThe first class of the family film ‘Pietje Bell’ is said to have been done for ‘9 years in the past’. The film can then be planned for use by the KRO-NCRV on the oudejaarsdag (day) on NPO Zapp. The Netherlands Instituut voor de Classificatie van Audiovisuele Media (NICAM), which monitors the leeward viewing of films and series in the Netherlands, reports the adjustment of the leeward viewing every weekday.

The reason why the classificatie van de film uit 2002 was aangepast van ‘alle leeftijden’ after ’12 jaar en Ouder’, after Kijkwijzer meerdere laughed had ontvangen that children were afraid of bepaalde scenes in the film. ‘Pietje Bell’, over a Rotterdams straatschoffie dat avonturen beleeft, had daardoor dezelfde keuring as recente actiefilms as ‘No Time To Die’ of ‘Spider-Man’.

The verhoogde leeftijdsclassificatie leidde vervolgens also weer tot kritiek. On the first day of the week, the NICAM reports that the word was adapted for the next day, after ‘9 years in the past’.

KIJK. The trailer of ‘Pietje Bell’ from 2022

Producer Dave Schram is opting for the fact that the Leeftijdskeuring is adapted. “I was naturally left with the film coming on TV”, Aldus Schram. “Daar gaat het uiteindelijk allemaal om.” How much it was produced is that the film can now be released, it is not left with what it is all about. “I can’t imagine that the normal gang van Zaken is.”

The KRO-NCRV is also still available for the film now that it is planned for the following day. “We will have children and others come to an end in the future,” says the word.


Family film ‘Pietje Bell’ plots nothing more than a story for children
