Clashes during Hellas Verona-Milan: five ultras reported

Five fans denounced by the Scaligera Digos for what happened last May 8, on the sidelines of the Hellas Verona-Milan match

Five fans They were denounced by Digos for what happened last May 8on the sidelines of the game Hellas Verona-Milan. The subjects in question are accused of assaults, violence, damage and other crimes “stadium”. The Serie A match, played at ‘Bentegodi’ last May 8, it was considered to be at high risk due toheated rivalry that exists between the two supporters. Police have collected reports of assaults both in the stands and outside the stadium. So the Digos began to investigate. Identified and reported two Milan ultras (resident in Milan and Brescia, respectively) e three Veronese fans resident in the province, all aged between 19 and 53, some of them with previous drug police.

Two of the three Veronese are accused, in competition, of the crimes of beatings and private violence, aggravated by having committed them during a sporting event. The other Veronese, on the other hand, was denounced for refusing to provide his personal details. An AC Milan fan was deferred in a state of freedom for the crimes of possession of pyrotechnic devices on the occasion of sporting events and throwing of dangerous material. With regard to all those responsible for the violence during Hellas Verona-Milan, the Questore of the city of Verona, Ivana Petricca, initiated the administrative procedure aimed at issuing the provision of the “Daspo”which will prevent them from accessing the stadiums for some time. Milan, a new striker with an exchange? The latest market news >>>
