Clarity about contract extension Dutch GP in Zandvoort before November 1 | formula 1

By Arjan Schouten

The Dutch Grand Prix, after a long absence back since last year, still has a contract with Formula 1 for this year and next year. There is also an option for another two years of F1 in Zandvoort, but there will certainly not be any clarity about this for the upcoming Grand Prix (September 4). ,,People often think that extension is an ab-c’tje”, says general director Robert van Overdijk of the Dutch GP. ,,We can also sign that extension tomorrow if it is up to FOM. But if you’re a 100 percent privatized event, it’s not just about ticket sales.”

Those talks are now underway, Van Overdijk knows. “That looks positive on all levels. We have agreed, also with FOM, that clarity will be provided around 1 November. But first organize that second edition. There is no clarity yet for the upcoming Grand Prix.”
