Clan boss Nasser Rammou again in court

Nasser Rammou (43) now wants to be examined for psychological disorders Photo: Olaf Wagner

By Anne Losensky

Nasser Rammou (43). Family man (5 children). 15 years experience in prison. A godfather from the notorious Remmo clan, despite the different spelling.

The extended family is involved in crimes worth millions (stealing the 100-kilo gold coin from the Bode Museum, stealing diamonds from the Green Vault in Dresden). Nasser Rammou has been behind bars again since February 18, 2021: He is said to have hoarded weapons of war!

High-security process since November 2021 (bulletproof glass, bulletproof vests, bodyguards for judges). A “serious threat” according to the LKA.

But Nasser Rammou even found ways to remain dangerous in the high-security prison: On May 17, 2022, an iPhone 6 plus charger was found in his cell! Three days later, he suddenly became so ill that he had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Escape attempt or miraculous healing, whatever: he’s already sitting in front of the court in high spirits again. This time on his own behalf, he is appealing against a judgment from August 2021. At that time he had 3 years and 9 months in prison for dangerous bodily harm. The background was the public hunt for Chechens in November 2020 at Gesundbrunnen.

According to the verdict, he “didn’t inflict the injuries himself” (you have people for that), but he was under managerial supervision and wore an ankle bracelet. This time he wants to be examined for psychological disorders and whether he “was unable to see the wrongness of his actions…”

Judgment on September 29th.


Clans in Berlin court
