Civitanova-Perugia, “plays” Vullo: ‘The final Scudetto is a matter of head’

The former setter, specialist in finals (eight wins), makes a technical analysis of the challenge at 20.45, in the Marche: “The Umbrians can reach game-5”

About fifteen championship finals, of which 8 won. Today Fabio Vullo, great setter of the near past, is the commentator of Rai in this final between Perugia and Civitanova. “I think we will see a good match”, explains the Massa director. “Because with Sunday’s victory, Sir knows they have reopened the series. Now they can think of reaching the fifth. Giannelli was more lucid in the distribution, Leon more efficient in attack and he had a decisive element in Rychlicki. plays on 3 levels: tactical, technical and mental. The great merit of Lube was that for 5 games (the last of the semifinals and the first of the finals, ed) she was perfect in putting on the best volleyball that she is able to express today. In addition Blengini was really good at managing the bench, even managing to ‘rehabilitate’ a player like Juantorena, who was certainly not used to being on the bench so much and therefore giving his best when he entered “.


In race-3 this system went into crisis. “Perugia managed to contain Simon very well, who was more marked than usual, even at the cost of leaving Zaytsev without a wall in some second row rotation. Ivan knows he is not physically at his best and he should be congratulated for how he manages to stay on the pitch, making himself useful to the team also in other fundamentals. When Gaby Garcia, the Puerto Rican, enters, De Cecco’s distribution changes a lot and the exit from the second row becomes more used. But in that change, which foresees the inclusion of Kovar for Yant, Lube removes continuity from this guy who is making great finals “.

“Head” effect

“This type of matches have a strong psychological component that perhaps you don’t read much outside. The intensity of the matches from the point of attention is crazy. We are talking about two hours and more, all of them at the most. extra defense. And how Civitanova played even without the ball, in the semifinal with Trento, was decisive. There was a leap in quality. It is there that the balance of the series can change – continues Vullo -. There was also quality when Civitanova discovered that Simon is not only a great player, but that he also embodies the characteristics of the leader and that he knows how to do it well on the pitch. ” Is Perugia Leon addicted? What race-3 also said. “I believe that all the teams that have Leon have these characteristics. He is supported by so many balls that he then has to put down. I believe that Perugia in this series has paid for the absences in the center and also certain ups and downs of Solé who was with Modena It went very well. On Giannelli I think that in the first two races he worried too much about what was happening or the difficulties they had. In those cases it is better, for a few points, to be guided by instinct. Then go back to using tactics. of the match as it was prepared. But sometimes letting your imagination run free is a solution. Because the difference is always if you anticipate your opponent or if you suffer his choices. In the championship finals you must always be a hare and not a hunter … “.
