Civil Protection maintains the heat alert of up to 43 degrees in much of Spain

  • It advises avoiding prolonged physical exercises in the central hours of the day

The General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior maintains the alert for a heat wave and the risk of forest fires in large areas of the country because this Tuesday the thermal rise is expected to intensify, at least until Thursday, according to the predictions of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Specifically, it may exceed 40 or 41 degrees in the valleys of the Miño and Ebro and in both plateaus, and 43 degrees in the Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys, while the minimum temperatures will also be high.

The autonomous communities foreseeably most affected, with orange level warning zones, They are Andalusia, Aragon, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura, Madrid and La Rioja.

This Tuesday they are added to the previous ones Galicia and Navarre, although in the Canary Islands it is foreseeable that temperatures will drop sharply, ending the heat wave in the archipelago.

On Wednesday, they would join Catalonia and Basque Country to the autonomous communities with areas of greatest risk due to high temperatures.

In this way, the General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies has recommended to limit sun exposure, keep in a well-ventilated place; eat light and regular meals, rich in water and mineral salts, such as fruits and vegetables; frequently drink water or fluids; wear light-colored clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible and the head.

In addition, he has advised avoid prolonged physical exercise in the middle of the day and take an interest in the elderly and sick and those who live alone or isolated.

Given the situation, he also recalled that high temperatures can favor the risk of forest fires, so special attention must be paid to the regulations of the autonomous community on fire prevention and authorized periods to burn stubble.

In addition, it has been recommended to avoid throw cigarettes, garbage and, especially, glass bottles that make a magnifying glass effect with the sun. In this sense, he has warned that negligence causes a large part of forest fires.

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Thus, he has warned that it is prohibited light fires or bonfires in the bush and nearby land and that camping is only allowed in authorized areas, which have protection measures against a possible fire and evacuation is easier.

In case of discovering a fire in its beginning, call 112 immediately and, in case of being surprised by a fire, the population has to avoid entering through the mount or forest, and always go through areas of great visibility and free of fuel. In case of emergency due to forest fire, the indications of the competent authorities must always be followed, Civil Protection has indicated.
