Civil Protection deactivates the PROCICAT Plan due to heat wave

Civil Protection of the Generalitat has deactivated this afternoon the Pla of Civil Protection of Catalonia (PROCICAT) by Heat wave activated last Saturday, June 11. which has left us records above 40ºC in a general way in the western areas -reaching 43ºC in Riba-roja d’Ebre- and nights above 30ºC in Barcelona.

The Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) anticipates that temperatures will no longer be extreme continuously and will decrease, slowly and progressively, starting tomorrow Sunday. However, normal values ​​will be reached for the season once the festival of Sant Joan has passed.

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During the course of this episode of severe dog days, the Medical Emergency System (SEM) has activated resources of assistance in 155 incidents related to the heat wave, most of them mild. In addition, the 061 ‘Salut Respon’ service has dealt with 95 incidents until midnight on Saturday.

However, the risk of fire remains high and a lot of collaboration is requested from the public so that they avoid activities that could generate the risk of new fires as well as extreme caution in activities in the territory.
