‘City without a heart, very focused on money’

The moving boxes are coming: Gordon is done with Dubai. He wants to move to Melbourne or the European continent with his new sweetheart. “It really is a city without a heart!”


For two years he spewed his bile from Dubai on the ‘unsafe’ and ‘negative’ Netherlands: Gordon. The proletarian paradise where he settled? Everything is better there than with us. So incredibly safe too – even for gays. If you stick to the rules. And all those people who call Dubai a ‘plastic-fantastic world’? Vinegar whiners.

Gordon from Dubai

However, nothing is as changeable as Gordon. Although he has just opened his own interior design company there, 1001 Night Productions, the SBS 6 star now wants to leave Dubai again. He hooked up with a young Australian lad, ten weeks later they got engaged and now they’re thinking about living in Melbourne or somewhere in Europe.

Gordon tells Radio 538: “We are going to live together in Dubai for the time being, but I don’t think we are going to stay there. I mean: I’ve lived in Dubai for two years now and maybe I can last another year, but it’s very empty. It is very much money oriented. It’s a city without a heart. It’s wonderful, it’s a fantastic place.”

Tolerance gays

Is Gordon leaving because he’s getting married to a man? No, that’s not it. “There are a lot of gays living in Dubai. That makes sense, because more than 4 million expats live there. It’s all tolerated and overlooked. There are even gay parties. Everything is possible there, everything is possible. You just have to follow the rules.”

Is South Africa so beloved by him not an option? “No, I just sold that. It’s not safe there either.”

So it will be Melbourne or a European city. “We do not know yet.”

Not a gold digger

Furthermore, Gordon lets it be known that his new sweetheart is not a golddigger. “No honey. He has a very good job in Australia. He works at Burberry, he has his stuff done.”

This is it, says Gordon. “You know this is good. You feel this, you notice this in everything. He didn’t know who I was at all, what I did. I just didn’t tell that the first few days either. Just see how and what first. It’s a completely different caliber.”

To Japan

Gordon has now traveled from the Maldives to Japan with his lover. In other words: he only does nice things. “The only non-fun things I do at SBS!”

huh? After all these years, is Gordon still on the same page as Angela de Jong? May we still experience this…
