Citizens’ money: standard rate and payment dates

According to the definition of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS), citizen’s benefit is a benefit from the welfare state to ensure a decent minimum subsistence level. Anyone who is able to work but cannot cover their living expenses from income and other benefits receives citizen’s benefit. When and how much the amount can be expected, more on this below.

Precise measurement: planned distribution of citizens’ money

According to the online portal in an article on the subject, the standard rate after the citizen’s money is paid out is calculated to the nearest cent. The 502 euros are intended to last those affected until the end of the month.

A graphic attached to the above article shows that around 35 percent of the disbursement amount is earmarked for food and the like. Amounts between 40 euros and 50 euros can be found in a wide variety of categories, from leisure and culture to post and telecommunications to clothing and other services. Almost 13 percent are assigned to other areas of life, such as health care and restaurant services.

Difficulties with the application: those in need need support

Since the beginning of the year, citizen’s money has replaced the previous Hartz IV payments. However, as a contribution from the MDR explains, problems in understanding the application and dealing with the innovations seem to be increasing. If there are difficulties with the official German of the application documents, then many seek help from the social welfare office, according to the MDR.

The head of the social welfare office in Thale, a small town in Saxony-Anhalt, reports to MDR that the demand for social assistance has become even stronger, especially in the course of the energy crisis. The office also has problems with this because it is desperately looking for staff.

Regular appointments: This is how the payout works

Similar to salaries, the BMAS provides for fixed payment dates for citizens’ money, by which the amounts should end up in the target accounts. The first working day of the month is planned, but the exact dates vary depending on the respective job center.

As a rule, most beneficiaries will receive the transfer to their own bank account. But if you don’t have your own account, you can also have your citizen’s money credited by check, the Frankfurter Rundschau reports. You can then redeem this at the Deutsche Post and Deutsche Postbank payment points. However, there are costs involved; for amounts over 500 euros, an additional six euros are charged, according to the Frankfurter Rundschau.

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