Citizens’ interests in coalition formation Simpelveld | 1Limburg

Civil interests is the second largest party to take the lead in forming a new coalition in Simpelveld.

The aim is to continue the existing coalition with Leefbaar Simpelveld and Lokaal Actief and possibly supplemented by the CDA.

Minimum Majority
The three local parties only have a minimal majority in the municipal council with 8 of the 15 seats. With the 2 seats of the CDA added, the base would become wider. After the elections, Samen 1 took the lead as the big winner and largest party in forging a new coalition. The party went from 2 to 5 seats on March 16.

Don’t negotiate
But Citizen Interests and Leefbaar Simpelveld see nothing in collaboration with Samen 1 and have therefore not entered into negotiations with the party. According to the two parties, Samen 1 has not supported crucial projects such as the redevelopment of the station environment, the Huls lookout point and the healthy primary school of the future.

Also read: Largest party Simpelveld not in coalition

Negatively interpreted
“Because of political importance, these projects were interpreted negatively in advance. Together 1 has more than once questioned our sincerity, knowledge and expertise during the past term of office,” said Burgerbelangen. Citizens’ interests also do not consider a broad council program such as Samen 1 as an alternative to a regular coalition, which is why it cannot be discussed.

Do not talk
Citizens’ interests will in any case not talk to Samen 1 when a new coalition is formed. They can, however, indicate in writing which points they would like to see included in a coalition programme.

Very disappointed
Samen 1 previously announced that it was very disappointed with the state of affairs. She speaks of voter fraud because it was previously agreed between the five parties in the council that everyone gets a fair chance.

Trust damaged
The party believes that the course of events has seriously damaged voters’ confidence in politics. “The fact that we have become the largest party also clearly shows that voters want change and innovation,” says party leader and party leader Robert Honings of Samen 1.

Civil interests expects to be able to say more about the formation of a new coalition in just over a week.
