Citizens’ income will not be able to solve the problems in Berlin

By Gunnar Schupelius

An increase in basic security is intended to make it easier for people to return to the labor market. But this well-intentioned plan misses reality, says Gunnar Schupelius.

Unemployment benefit II is popularly known as “Hartz IV”. In the future it will be called “citizen’s allowance” and increased. The federal government decided on Wednesday.

From January 2023, adults will receive 502 euros per month and young people 420 euros. In addition, there is the rent including heating and separate services for equipment, clothing and health, for example. A married couple with two children can then count on up to 2,500 euros in citizen’s income per month.

This sum actually reaches or even exceeds the lower income groups. If, for example, two people work in crafts or trade, it may well be that their joint income does not exceed 2500 euros.

It is therefore understandable that employers are fighting back against the high citizen’s income. Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) counters that only increased basic security can be humane. People should not become impoverished when they are unemployed, but should reorient themselves to the labor market: “We don’t want to administer them when they are in need, we want to build bridges to the labor market.”

Those who receive citizen income should be able to earn more in the future than was previously allowed. A financial bonus is intended to provide an incentive to start training or take part in further training.

This bridge to the labor market is particularly important because two-thirds of those receiving the future basic income have no training at all. The vast majority of them immigrated as asylum seekers and got stuck in basic services.

IIn Berlin, at the end of 2021, a total of 557,000 people received basic security through unemployment benefit II or an increase. Of these, 31.5 percent live in Neukölln and 28.8 percent in Mitte (Wedding)

The change from Hartz IV to citizen income was certainly decided with the best of intentions. But the plan seems naïve and misses reality.

Experience in our city shows that large groups of the population have settled into the Hartz IV system. They constantly receive the money from the state and work unofficially on the side. This abuse is absolutely socially acceptable.

Those who make up their household income from Hartz IV and other sources can live quite well. If he gets even more in the form of citizen money, then even more so.

It is rather naïve to assume that those who have set themselves up in this way change their lives because the citizens’ income is intended to encourage them to do so.

I don’t want to downplay unemployment, by no means. Anyone who finds themselves in this situation through no fault of their own must be helped. But not all Hartz IV recipients are in dire need. Many of them could work. Politicians turn a blind eye to this truth.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
