Citizens’ allowance 2022 replaces Hartz 4

How high could the citizen’s income be?

According to the plans of SPD Labor Minister Heil Citizens’ income standard rate is 502 euros. This means that recipients of the current ALG 2 could look forward to 53 euros more per month. Teenagers from 14 to 17 will get 420 euros, for children from six to 13 348 euros and for small children up to five years there will be 318 euros. When assessing the benefits, the cost of living, one’s own income and that of the partner and the housing costs should be taken into account. The Greens wish for further incentives to look for a job Training bonus of 150 euros.

Of a additional earnings between 520 and 1000 euros, 30 percent should remain with the benefit recipients. So far it is under Hartz 4 only 20 percent. Pupils from a “citizens’ allowance family” are allowed to keep their income from mini-jobs, i.e. a maximum of 520 euros, in full. According to the current plans, holiday jobs could not be taken into account in the citizen benefit in unlimited amounts.

Assets up to 60,000 euros and the size of the apartment should not be taken into account in the first two years when calculating contributions. Adjustments could only be made here after 24 months.

Furthermore, an automatic adjustment to inflation is planned, but the FDP in particular rejects this because of the incalculable costs.

Critics fear that the citizen’s allowance will only involve a publicly effective name swap and no real improvements, similar to the basic pension.
