Cities and municipalities opposed to deposits via rubbish bins on the street | Domestic

The Flemish cities and municipalities do not want PET bottles and cans with a deposit to be collected via rubbish bins on the public domain. This is what the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) says.

The local authorities are “against any scenario in which the take-back of beverage packaging takes place via public rubbish bins or take-back machines on the public domain and local authorities have to play a role in the distribution of the home scanner,” it said. VVSG chairman Wim Dries fears that in such a case “it is inevitable that hidden costs will ultimately end up with the local authorities”.

According to the VVSG, “the economic, financial, social and ecological impact” of such a digital deposit system – which in practice usually works with QR codes that have to be scanned – has not yet been sufficiently evaluated and is not yet clear enough whether such a system will indeed help to reduce the amount of beverage packaging in litter. Another option than a digital system is the classic system, in which collection takes place via supermarkets, as is already done for glass bottles with a deposit.

The VVSG believes that the packaging industry and the distribution sector should be fully responsible for the introduction of a deposit system. “In any deposit system, there must be a role for supermarkets in terms of returns,” it says. The VVSG suggests investigating a combination of collection via the PMD bag at home and the supermarkets.

The association has forwarded its concerns to Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir (N-VA). She does ask that the Flemish government adheres to the planned timing of 2025 to introduce a deposit system.

At the end of October, the socialist party Vooruit was in favor of a classic deposit system, with collection in stores, after a pilot project in Bredene.

Also read: Why a deposit if we are already recycling champions? What does it cost? And why must the entire society ‘pay’ for illegal dumpers? All questions about deposits on PMD answered (+)
