Cinthia Fernández with Javier Milei, defines if she is a candidate again

Cinthia Fernandezsaid that the deputy and leader of Freedom Advances, Javier Milei, had offered him a candidacy within his space for the province of Buenos Aires. The media announced that he already had three meetings with the economist and that he will soon decide yes or no. “I feel like it and I’m afraid,” declared Fernández, who in the 2021 legislative elections had made her debut as a candidate for national deputy for unite, the party of santafesino Jose Bonacci.

In September of that year, after announcing that she would close her campaign in a different way from the rest of the pre-candidates, Fernández published a video where she is seen in front of Congress, wearing a tango-like outfit but in underwear, and singing a version of the classic Tita Merello, “It is said of me”. His strategy had a logical repercussion in the media, but it earned him hundreds of criticisms, which Fernández answered with his usual self-confidence: “Why so much nerve? This little ass is a simple and cheap campaign strategynot like the official and excessive guidelines that we all follow, but this ASS is not my campaign. Showing my ass I don’t want them to come in and vote for meI don’t underestimate young people or jerks”…. he declared at that moment.

On September 12, 2021, while the elections were taking place, Fernández used his social networks to denounce that his party’s ballots were missing. In his networks he named various educational establishments, although he charged directly against the University of Pacheco.

“What is happening, University of Pacheco, are they in something strange that they warn and do not replace? What’s up guys, did they send you?” she inquired. And he assured that he received “several messages from people who are going to vote and cannot find my ballot… They have to ask the polling station to replace the ballots, yes or yes they have to do it. Thank you all for letting me know,” Fernández wrote.

As the day progressed, the claims of the media dancer grew angrier, assuring that many of her voters had to “fight, they wanted to make them say their vote so that it would be sung and obviously annulled. A sleeve of thieves and criminals brand cannon. All some jets, delinquents, so that they continue voting for the same ones. They are some HDP, criminals! ”, Ferández was downloaded on her Instagram account. “I got 90 thousand votes, plus what they gave me“, recalled Cinthia Fernández with Fabian Doman, driver “D-moment”when he announced Milei’s proposal to be a candidate.

Among the issues that Fernández raised in his 2021 campaign, there were different problems that many women suffer in food trials. “Everyone criticized me for defending that cause, which I defend to this day. Everyone is a hypocrite. Juana Viale he laughed in my face telling me that he considered that this was not a subject to discuss. flower of the V He said it was just to show the tail.”Fernández reviewed.

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