CIA accused of spying on Julian Assange | Buitenland

The CIA, on the other hand, directeur Mike Pompeo, protects the privacy rights of American journalists and advocates, in strijd met de grondwet, says Richard Roth, the advocate who defends the ice. Gegevens van hun telephones and computers zouden door een door Ecuador ingehuurd beveiligingsbedrijf zijn copied and doorgeven aan de inlichtingendienst.

The Amerikaanse justitie wil de 51-year-old Assange right for the publiceren van militaire secret documents in espionage, warvoor hej tot 175 jaar celstraf kan krijgen. The Australians should have more information about the Americans who fight against them. Assange was in London for a long time and was part of the Ambassador of Ecuador. De Britse regering went first that year accord with zijn uitlevering aan de VS. Assange had a briefing done at the Hoogrechteshof in London and that was what happened.

The CIA, which refuses to comment on this in New York, may tensely take legal action, and may therefore be confused about American burgers. One of the actual procedures in the VS is the result of Roth’s advocacy, which is no longer possible. Hij oppert dat het uitleveringsverzoek must have been dried.
