Churches ring bells in support of Ukraine

At 17:15 sharp, the bells of the Jozefkerk in Assen sounded throughout the city. In this way, together with churches throughout the Netherlands, they showed their solidarity with Ukraine and everyone affected by the war.

“Traditionally, the bells have ringed in danger, or in situations that concern the entire community. In this case it is also a call for peace and to show that we feel strongly committed,” says Reverend Bert Altena.

from impotence

In addition to ringing the bells, there was also a special church service this afternoon, after which people walked through Assen in a peace march. Several dozen visitors came. In the church itself there is a table decorated with candles that visitors can light. “People have been trickling in all day,” Altena describes. “They like that we organize this and that they can share their feelings. It is symbolic, what we do out of our powerlessness, but it is good that we do it.”

Recurring images

The situation reminds some people of the Second World War, says the pastor. “The images come back from a time we thought we would never see again. But it is reality.”

Altena cannot yet say whether there will be a second commemoration moment. “Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent,” he explains. “It is a time when we pay particular attention to what is happening in the world. In that regard, it is appropriate to organize moments like this more often. We hope it is not necessary, but we do not rule it out.”
