Christoph Daum experienced the beating attack on Oliver Pocher up close

He was the closest to the scene that all of Germany is talking about today. Football coach legend Christoph Daum is sitting right next to comedian Oliver Pocher on Saturday evening when he is violently hit out of nowhere by rapper “Fat Comedy” in a boxing match. Daum has now spoken exclusively to RTL about how he experienced the situation.

Crime scene first row. Oliver Pocher is sitting there in Felix Sturm’s fight against Istvan Szili when a man dressed in black approaches and strikes out of nowhere.

Daum witnesses the scene up close, looks incredulous and is visibly perplexed. With a little distance, he says about the attack on Sunday: “You’re just shocked and wondering which movie you ended up in.”

But how did he experience the moments before the nasty attack? “It was in the second or third round, Felix had already made his cut, the atmosphere in the hall was incredibly heated. Beer mugs were flying, it was a big mess,” says Daum. “The security service tried to ensure peace.” But that was not easy, because spectators pushed forward from behind.

“Suddenly a man came forward who was dressed in black, which is what the security first looked like,” reports Daum. Then it came to the beating scandal. “Everyone looked at each other later and asked themselves: What else could have happened?”

Kai Ebel: “Such an action is not possible”

RTL reporter legend Kai Ebel is similarly concerned. He conducted ringside interviews and only saw the scene afterwards. “Such an action doesn’t work at all. There’s someone sitting there who wants to watch a sporting event in peace, and then unsuspectingly gets a slap in the face. That sucks.”

As Daum, who praises Oliver Pocher’s “level-headed” reaction, reports, those in the hall who are actually sympathizers of the rapper “Fat Comedy” condemned the attack: “Everyone agreed.”
