Christmas rush at clothing racks in second-hand stores: ‘Not just for price’

From glittery dresses and jackets to heels and patent leather shoes. More and more people are buying their Christmas clothes second-hand, they notice at second-hand stores in Den Bosch. “People have been doing it for a long time now, not only for the lower price, but also for the Christmas spirit and the environment.”

Every year Terre des Hommes creates a special department for Christmas clothing, shoes and accessories. Customers can also purchase Christmas baubles and tableware, so that the Christmas table can be beautifully set. “Especially our regular customers and donors come to the store especially for this,” says volunteer Fabiola. “Just like in the commercial stores, we also have a Christmas rush here.”

José and Maud, mother and daughter from Echt, Limburg, are spending a day shopping in Den Bosch. They browse through the racks together. Maud: “I’m actually looking for a blouse, because I already have a skirt for Christmas. I don’t buy everything at second-hand stores. I like it, but I always find it difficult to find something that fits and really fits. is fun.” Vincent has already bought his second-hand outfit for the holidays: “I bought a jacket. I really think it’s something for Christmas, but I think it’s too expensive in normal stores. Especially because I wear it very little.”

“They don’t want to pay too much for clothes they only wear once.”

Terre des Hommes is no longer just for the poorer target group. “In fact, most people buy their clothes secondhand because it is sustainable,” says Fabiola. “There is still a group that comes here because the clothes are cheaper. Some indeed because they have less to spend, but there are also customers who do not want to pay too much for Christmas clothes that they will only wear once.”

The money Terre des Hommes earns from sales goes to charity every year. This also creates extra popularity around the holidays. “You notice that people buy things from us based on the Christmas spirit, because you are doing something good for someone else,” says volunteer Fabiola. “And these days there are even people who pay more for cheap clothing, because the money goes to charity.”

“It’s two benefits in one.”

A few streets away, The Salvation Army also has a large second-hand store. There is something for everyone there. Marielaine is standing at the front of the store, she is originally from France and likes to shop in second-hand stores: “Here at the Salvation Army you can immediately support other people and in terms of sustainability it is best to buy from a second-hand store. So that’s two benefits in one.”

She’s going to France for Christmas. During the Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, everyone is beautifully dressed. Marielaine is also looking for an outfit: “I recently saw a very nice top for Christmas, but I didn’t buy it. I thought I would check today to see if it was still there. But it was gone.” She continues to search for a ‘new’ outfit for Christmas.

On Wednesday, December 20 and Thursday, December 21, reporters Megan Hanegraaf and Agnes van der Straaten will work in the city center of Den Bosch. They look for stories from the city. When they are not on the road, they can be found at the city shop De Moriaan on the Markt. Tips? Mail: [email protected].
