Christmas of Rome 2022: history and events 21 April

TOrrivare at 2775 years is not a bad goal. The city of Rome celebrates the anniversary of its foundation. Tomorrow, April 21, is the day of the so-called Birth of Rome (formerly defined Dies Romana). According to legend, in fact, Romulus would have founded the city on 21 April 753 BC. Here are all the events (finally in attendance) scheduled for this special birthday.

Rome blows out 2775 candles

The setting of the holiday at April 21 it is due to the calculations of Lucio Taruzio. It is no coincidence that the Latin phrase Ab Urbe seasoned (translated: Since the founding of the city) used precisely the date of April 21, 753 BC as time from which to count the years.

Over time, this tradition has clearly changed. But in several moments in history we have witnessed the recovery and restoration of this anniversary. And the consequent ones celebrations around the city.

Here is a corner of natural paradise among the beauties of Rome

The events of April 21: the power of re-enactments

This year there are many events in attendance to celebrate the birthday of the city. To the Circus Maximus from 9.00 tomorrow, Thursday 21 April, until 21.00 on 24 April they will be there the re-enactments of the Roman Historical Group. A rich program with representation of ancient rites and historical re-enactment shows. Among these, the ceremony of the “Tracciato del sulco” (ie the foundation of the city, April 21 at 15.00) is highly anticipated and the Harpastum match (April 23rd from 3.00 pm). It is a ball game that involved physical fights: a kind of ancestor of modern rugby. In addition to this, there will be meetings with authors, photographic exhibitions and educational workshops for children.

Sunday 24 April from 11 in the morning will start from the Circus Maximus, the nerve center of the re-enactments, a majestic historical procession (with about a thousand costumed participants) that it will also pass by the Colosseum. In the afternoon it will be rebuilt instead the battle of Bedriaco.

Christmas of Rome 2022: free exhibitions and museums

April 21 access to civic museums – as well as that of the archaeological area of ​​the Circus Maximus and al Mausoleum of Augustus (in this case the reservation is mandatory) – it will be free. Among the most important exhibitions, the opening of Synesthesia (multisensory installation that connects the individual with his environment with practices such as interactive design, at the Mercati di Traiano – Museo dei Fori Imperiali) and Cursus Honorum. The government of Rome before Caesar (to the Capitoline Museums, the oldest public museum in the world, to retrace the public offices of the magistrates of the Republican age).

You can then participate in special guided tours. Like those at Valle Theaterto the Roman ruins in the basement of Giovanni Barracco Museum (now with an innovative lighting system) and to the Villa of Maxentius (complete with reenactors).

But also the walk in the Imperial Forums And in Villa Borghese. Among other things, there will be the extraordinary opening of the Claudio and Felice aqueducts (10.30 am). And April 21 will be the day of the awaited reopening of the Planetarium of Rome Capital which, from the following day, will finally be accessible to the public again. All with a renewed cutting-edge technology that will give even more emotions to visitors.

Music and cinema for the Christmas of Rome

April 21 will not fail a tribute to Ennio Morricone: will be online on the site of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia from 8 to 22 his Oral meditationa composition created by the master in 1970 for the centenary of Rome, capital of Italy, to accompany a text by Pier Paolo Pasolini from 1961 (written for the 100th anniversary of the unification of Italy).

In addition to this, there will also be some on April 21st special film screeningslike the one in the film Marx can wait by Marco Bellocchio (at 8.30 pm in the Cinema Hall of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni). But also that of The first king by Matteo Rovere (at 5.00 pm at the Casa del Cinema).

