CHRISTMAS LOTTERY 2023 | How do posters and t-shirts with the message “El Gordo has sold himself here” appear so quickly in administrations?

With the Christmas lotteryeverything can change from one moment to the next, especially for those people blessed with the awards bigger. That is why the organization of this annual event, the State Lottery and State Betting Society has workers capable of delivering to the winning administrations all kinds of ‘merchandising’ in a matter of minutes.

Spread throughout the entire territory, these employees They are in charge of taking the protagonists of the Fat and the rest of the winners Tshirts and posters which we then see on television. These products show the number lucky person from the extraordinary draw and other information such as the place where it was sold. “First prize sold here”can be read in many of these garments of clothes and banners.

Remember that, to find out if your tenth has been awarded, on December 22 you can check the prize at this link.

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According to him dossier annual of the organization, in the 2018 edition they already had the services of more than 600 people who covered a total of about 11,000 physical points of sale.

So, the deployment of the public body is as capital as the delusion of the lucky ones, who, prisoners of euphoria, do not hesitate to dress in these outfits and others accessories that perfectly illustrate what it means to win any of the first prizes.
