Christmas in Emmen outside this year. ‘Everything is without obligation’

Christmas in Emmen is an event for the organizing Stadskerk Emmen to publicize. It’s time on Saturday evening December 17 from 19.00 to 20.00. Short, powerful and free for everyone.

Dwight Dissels, among others, will give a performance on the Market Square near the Grote Kerk. Starry night – based on a painting by Vincent van Gogh – is the theme. Stadskerk Emmen wants to bring Christmas to the people in the heart of butterfly city, where a large stage will be placed on December 17. Musicians play Christmas music and it becomes poetic become ghosts held about the Christmas spirit by Arnold van der Heide from Emmer-Compascuum. Pastor Jan Stoorvogel speaks briefly about the Christmas message.

Natasja Arens is part of the organization, which can count on the help of at least a hundred volunteers. The 47-year-old Emmen says that Christmas in Emmen will be outdoors for the first time in the middle of this month. Stadskerk Emmen on the Van Schaikweg used to be the standard place for the Christmas event.

After two corona years, according to Arens, the organization wants to offer ‘something cool’ for young and old. “It can be a thing to go to church,” says Arens. “But the church today can be very different from what was originally thought. With Christmas in Emmen in the open air, we lower the threshold even more. Just drop by and not experience the whole hour is also possible. Everything is non-binding.”

The Voice of Holland and The Passion

So Dwight Dissels is coming to Emmen. He is known from The Voice of Holland and The Passion. “A fantastic and therefore well-known singer”, adds Arens. “And we project animations on the church tower. The central theme is beautifully presented. We bring the Christmas message in a completely different way. A Christmas night service, but in a modern jacket with black gospel music in any case. Our own band will also play along on December 17th. Fortunately, as Stadskerk Emmen we have many good musicians.”

Normally Christmas in Emmen attracts between 1000 and 1400 visitors. “After two corona years, you never know, but of course matching that number would be very nice.”

More generally, Stadskerk Emmen wants to be a church for all of Emmen. For example, the youth room in the church is open to all young people every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 13:00 to 17:00. ,, You can pool and there are computers. You can also just chill. There is always one of us present.”

More information about Christmas in Emmen can be found at:
