Christmas dinner ends up soaking wet, car gets stuck on flooded road

A car got stuck late on Tuesday evening due to heavy rainfall on the flooded Eindhovenseweg near Berkel-Enschot. The driver and his wife wanted to bring his father-in-law home after Christmas dinner. He thought the water on the road wasn’t too high and that he could drive through it. But while driving, the car ended up deeper and deeper in the water – according to a 112 correspondent, the water was at knee height – and the water entered the car.

The car then shot off the asphalt and ended up on the verge. The car was stuck there and had nowhere to go. The occupants then called the emergency services.

Soaking wet car
The police were the first to arrive, but they were unable to get to the car properly. The fire brigade managed to do this. The fire truck was driven past the stuck car. This allowed two passengers to be freed and placed in the warm fire truck. The third person involved was now standing next to the car.

Using tow straps, the fire brigade was then able to pull the car onto the road surface and onto dry land. The car turned out to still work, after which the occupants could continue their way with a soaking wet car, clothes and feet.

Road closed
The municipality of Tilburg then decided to close the road and warn people about the high water there.
