Christel de Laat is challenged for the NK Fire Hoses

How long can you hang on to a fire hose? Graat and de Laat wanted to know everything about the NK in Valkenswaard. Last year the winner hung for almost 3 minutes. The organization asked Christel if she wanted to give it a try, but did she agree?

Graat and de Laat also called a pumping station. The petrol is a bit more expensive since this weekend, but do they also notice this at the pump?

And in two weeks Jordy and Christel will be in Italy. They had two spots left on the bus and called a lucky winner. Campsite owner Gianni is also ready for the Brabant invasion. He spoke enthusiastically about the preparations.

Listen to all the highlights of this week in The cutest van Graat en de Laat. Of course Jordy and Christel can be heard on the radio again on Saturday afternoon, from twelve o’clock.
