Chris Zegers gets punched by Johan Derksen: ‘Unbelievable!’

Chris Zegers gets a lot of kicks from Johan Derksen. The Today Inside star believes that the presenter is overestimated by interfering with geopolitical matters in the talk show Op1.


It’s no secret that celebrities on talk shows always think they have a monopoly on wisdom. They are absolutely not afraid to tell you in detail what they think about subjects they have no knowledge of at all. For example, Chris Zegers interfered in Op1 the day before yesterday with the war that Russia has started in Ukraine.

Chris or Clingendael?

Chris was reprimanded at the table by a NATO top executive, who suspects that the presenter has fallen for Russian propaganda with open eyes. “Unbelievable,” says Johan Derksen, who watched the broadcast, in his own program Today Inside.

He continues: “I think there is a gentleman with a beard from Clingendael. He explained exactly how the relations were between Ukraine and America. With a very interesting face.”

That same guy

Johan is completely done with Chris Zegers. “I heard that same guy talking on the radio last week. I thought: is this Chris Zegers or is it Tom Jones? Because he spoke that he had made an album with a famous American producer, but yes: they did not see him as a singer, but as an actor. Well, I don’t see him as an actor at all.”

“And not as a singer, by the way,” he continues. “But then they were unlucky, because they played one of his songs. Well, it doesn’t even look like a singer.”

One big act

Chris is a walking example of overestimation, Johan believes. “That boy has one big act of: I’m a very interesting gentleman. In everything he does. Acting in flut series, singing, now again about the war.”

He thinks it is good that the NATO chief put him in his place. “There was a gentleman from NATO and he completely bluffed him. That man sat listening and thought: what is all this nonsense?”
