Chris Paul, linked to the Lakers

06/18/2023 at 01:29


The point guard could end up in California with a minimum of veteran if the Suns cut him before June 28

The Los Angeles franchise is looking for a guarantee point guard to line up with LeBron James and Anthony Davis

Los Angeles Lakers looking for a point guard and chris paul appears on the horizon as a real option to reinforce the outside game of the Californian team, superdite if the Phoenix suns They decide to cut the veteran player before June 28. In this way, the Anglo franchise could sign him for the veteran minimum to join him with Lebron James and Anthony Davis.

Let’s go by parts. Despite the rumors that pointed to a possible withdrawal of the number ’23’, the latest information suggests that James will remain active in Staples Center. Both the eave and Davis He has a contract until 2025, both with a player option for the 2024-25 season, and more than 97 and 78 million, respectively, receivable.

A millionaire that leaves little room for action for offices, although they are the only two pieces with long-term contracts. It is planned to renew austin reaves after his great season for about 100 million, but apart from this there is no other lasting link. Yet the lakers they have a bare salary margin and in order not to pay a more exorbitant amount of luxury tax they have a limited margin to act.

Paul It will collect more than 30 million next year, of which 15,800 are guaranteed. And another 30 ‘kilos’ the following course -although it would be necessary to see if he charges them, because they are not guaranteed-. However, the suns they have the option of cutting him off before June 28. In this way, the door would be opened to sign him for the minimum of veteran and give packaging to the direction of play together with D’Angelo Russell.
