Chord Borg underwent surgery

Chord Borg recovers from surgery and shares a tragicomic memory of the mood after his previous hospital trip.

Chord Borg was hospitalized. MIKKO HUISKO / Screenshot: Instagram

Sointu Borg published a picture of a hospital bed on Instagram. Borg, who underwent knee surgery, immediately opens the news in his account:

– The room spins when Silja Line’s disco. This week is going to recover. In a couple of months we will walk again. The cut went to the finish.

Borg, who accidentally injured his knee, decides to tell a funny story from the previous surgery to accompany his picture.

The entrepreneur says she is hypersensitive to codeine, a drug that affects the central nervous system. It is used to relieve pain, for example in a painkiller called Panacod.

Before codeine hypersensitivity was discovered, Borg had had time to have various whimsical incidents in the hospital caused by the administration of the drug.

– The last time it was given to me (hand surgery) I wanted you nurses to sing with me Eye of the Tiger, he writes on his Instagram.

In addition, Borg says in a drunken court that he nursed the nurses with him on a date. The events take place ahead of his current partner.

– One time I didn’t warm up to my dating requests, I started drilling that ‘do I think it’s ugly,’ he recalls.

Now Borg says he has avoided similar conflicts and is just tired.

– I can’t see this screen properly, so I’m going to sleep now, he writes and thanks for the favorite messages.

Chord Borg in the word association test.
