Choose! – Teuntje, Mohammad and Carmen vote for the first time: “What do the Provincial Council actually do?”

What do you actually vote for when you vote in the Provincial Council elections? Teuntje, Mohammad and Carmen wonder that. However different their situation may be, what they have in common is that they have never voted for the Provincial Council before. Teuntje (19) could not vote earlier, because she has only just reached the age of majority. Mohammad (27) is originally from Syria and only officially became a Dutch citizen last year and Carmen (51) votes very loyal nationally and municipally, but thinks provincial politics are too far removed. With NH, they are looking into what the Provincial Council is doing and what the influence is on themes that are important to them, such as public transport, housing and nature. Because they do want to vote, but only after they are convinced of its importance.

The provincial elections will be held on March 15. But what does the Province actually do for us and how can we influence this by casting our vote? This is not clear to Carmen, Teuntje and Mohammad. In the series ‘Choose!’ NH went with them in nine episodes to gain more insight into the work of the province. So that they can enter the voting booth with sufficient knowledge on election day. Their quests are combined in this documentary.

This program was created in collaboration with the province of North Holland.

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