Cholesterol and heart attack. Prevention with the Cardiorisk app

un’app that Calculate your “bad” cholesterol, or LDL (English acronym which stands for low-density lipoprotein) – the one that is deposited on the walls of the arteries, obstructing blood circulation – and estimates the risk of a heart attack over the next ten years myocardium and cerebral stroke that it can cause (very high, high, moderate, low).

Cholesterol and heart attack

Is called cardio risk (For iOS And android), is free and can be downloaded to smartphones and tablets from the site yourcholesterol.itpromoted by the Italian Society of Cardiology, with the support of the Federation of Family Doctors, the Society of General Medicine and the Federation of Pharmacists’ Orders.

«He wants to return citizens aware of their risk profile so that they speak to their general practitionerwhich will be able to indicate which is the most effective prevention strategy for them », he explains Pasquale Perrone Filardi, president of the Society of Cardiologists. For the indication to be useful, cholesterol and triglyceride data relating to a blood test performed within the previous 6 months must be entered.

«There is no normal value of ldl cholesterol but optimal values ​​in relation to the risk profile of the individual: up to 115 mg/dl for those with a low risk and below 55 mg/dl if it is very high» informs the professor. The factors that expose to hypercholesterolemia are: heredity, overweight, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and pathologies such as diabetes and renal dysfunction. Each 40 mg/dl reduction in ldl cholesterol reduces the danger of adverse events by 20-25 percent» recalls Perrone Filardi.

