Chip concern Nvidia gets omzet with maar ranst 265 percent oplopen door big vraag toar AI | Economy

Chipconcern Nvidia has afgelopen kwartaal opnieuw records broken. The need, at the moment, is the world’s most important player in the area of ​​chips that have been used for artificial intelligence (AI), with an annual price of 265 percent.

Volgen’s top man Jensen Huang benefits from Nvidia’s large version on faster computers and AI technology. “De vraag stijgt wereldwijd in all sorts of bedrijven, sectors en landen”, says hij in een toelichting op de cijfers. For the data center, you can quickly get your money within.

In total, the kwartalalopbrengsten costs 22.1 billion dollars. That is 22 percent of the sea in the three maands, and it will also be reported. Nvidia offers a price of 12.3 billion dollars, which is worth the sea in a water supply.

The financial markets will be sent to the Nvidia financial report and the verwachtingen were very excited. Beleggers lijken in the first instantie onder de indruk, want het aandeel Nvidia went into the drawn-up nabeurshandel on Wall Street nimbly on Wednesday.

Verdere omzetgroei guarded

Nvidia prefers to have a smaller computer size. With a shadow of 24 million dollars in an opbrengsten, pakt de groei ten opzichte van de voorgaande three maanden dan warschijnlijk wel wat lesser sterk uit dan now het geval is. The prognosis is worth relying on analysts for the best results.

Nvidia, which opened the door to Huang in 1993, began as a publisher of graphic cards that were designed for the name computer games. The latest requirement is enormously large and the chips from Nvidia are thermally powered and sent to AI-toepassingen, which has a huge impact.

In fact, Nvidia has also become one of the world’s most efficient devices. Larger areas such as Amazon, Facebook-moeder Meta, Microsoft and Google are the largest channels of concern. Seeds are worth up to 40 percent of the money, which is a moment for investing in AI.

Lees ook: PORTRET. The world’s toilets are now 57 million miles away: this is Jensen Huang, CEO of this technology at the moment (+)

The logo of Nvidia. © REUTERS
