Chip and Dale to the rescue

★★★★1/ 2 The procedure is the same as Roger Rabbit: Animated Characters in the Real World. Chipmunks Chip and Dale have spent more than 30 years without seeing each other, since the cancellation of their TV series and a kidnapping brings them together. But that leads to a comment on franchise exploitation, on good and bad animation, on how to circumvent a copyright, and on the idea of ​​“re-launching” products from the past, with moments of tremendous repetitive humor. But the cameos: basically, he laughs at them. Can a character from South Park or Robert Crumb’s iconoclastic and lassive Mr. Natural appear in a Disney movie? Well no. But here they appear. Why? Because the saturation that Schaffer and his compadres from the satirical group Lonely Island generate also makes fun of the “look who’s there” of the cinema. Very funny.

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