CHIO in Aachen: Show jumper Nieberg triumphs in the Grand Prix

As of: 07/03/2022 7:51 p.m

At the end of the tournament week in the Soers, Gerrit Nieberg won the Grand Prix of Aachen.

On his eleven-year-old Westphalian gelding Ben, the son of Olympic champion Lars Nieberg won the jump-off on Sunday ahead of Scott Brash (Great Britain) with Hello Jefferson and Nicola Philippaerts (Belgium) with Katanga. Last year’s winner Daniel Deußer finished fourth with Killer Queen.

The Grand Prix is ​​endowed with 1.5 million euros. The competition is part of the Grand Slam, which also includes the competitions in Geneva, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Spruce Meadows/Canada.
