Chinezen massaal op vakantie tijdens ‘Gouden Week’: gokparadijs Macau trekt veel volk | Buitenland

Chinezen went tijdens de landelijke vakantieweek, de Gold Week, massaal op rice. Volgens overheidsdata nam the aantal inland and buitenlandes stimulate toe tot 85 percent of the level of 2019, the year before the corona pandemic. Vergeleken met 2022 went to a verviervoudiging.

October 1st is a national festival day for the foundation of the People’s Republic of China and is paired with a special Golden Week. Your Chinese will be there when you are vacant.

The manufacturer of the international attraction from China is favorable for a large part of the world tourism. For the corona period there was a sea in the Buitenland and tourists from the other country too. The Buitenlande Reizen van Chinezen Leverden in 2019 for a fee of 255 million dollars op.

Chinezen gaan bij voorkeur naar goedkopere Asian bestmmingen op vakantie, waarbij Thailand op de first plek staat.

Also, the Chinese tourists visited the week in Macau, the only place in China was the casino’s legal status. The city, the world’s largest city center, organizes all sorts of events and trekking activities, and has a dance party in a swimming pool with the American basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal.

The Afgelopen Jaren had China’s strict Coronabeleid de Goksector lamgelegd. The previous year was the worst year in 2004 when there was strict zero covid prevention. This year it’s a good idea to go for something. The experts think that the incomsten in middels boven the level of voor corona zijn uitgekomen.
